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Hello there! It's been an eternity since I posted here, and for good reason. The regular Feature Fridays can be found at my tumblr blog. The rest of my faux-dventures can be found on my new blog (photo above). Thank you for stopping by.


Feature Friday: Florencia Mazza Ramsay

I think yesterday's post was a sign of today's feature. Yes, spotlight's on the young and fierce Florencia Mazza Ramsay. I've spent days just looking at her photographs. And then looking again. They're beautiful. And they hit you precisely when she means to. They also have that vintage/film feel, which seems to be an "in" thing these days. Below are some of my favorites. And below the photos are links to more of her lovely photos.
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Feature Friday: Giuliano Beckor

Now back to the usual set of features. Other than the part where I'm using one of his series as peg for a photoshoot tomorrow, I'm actually inspired by his work. Which is what Feature Fridays are all about. Love love love his photos. I can go on and on about how much I love them, but I'd let the photos below do that for me. Below are just few of the many crazy-amazing-fierce photographs you can find at the links below. I am such a fan.


Feature Friday: Olivia Bell

Probably one of the less-fancy features, if not the simplest one. I was looking for something consistent when I started my search for this week's feature. That consistency, I believe, is present in her deviantart gallery. No fancy lights, no elaborate sets, no contortion, or extreme posing of sorts, just straight up and simple. Thing is, she gets it. That photography isn't all about the fancy stuff, it's capturing a moment, or any moment, that we intend to keep forever. It's that moment, and the emotion that's in it, that she captures. And for that, she deserves a feature. Because some day, she'd probably have those elaborate sets, lush costumes, and mad models. But today, we bask in simplicity.


Feature Friday: Elena Kalis

I'm not sure why I never featured her work here yet. Although I did reblog her stuff on my tumblr. I found her photographs via Hayley Willam's tumblr, and fell in love with the photos. I can't believe I haven't featured her yet, but I guess her works just came at the perfect time. Below are some of my favorites. She also has an Alice in Wonderland series that I've spared because you've got to see it on her site. They're simply breathtaking.
If this doesn't get you interested in underwater photography, I'm not sure what will. Considering my currently uninspired state, I'm gearing up to get some underwater gear to shoot. I want to shoot underwater now, too. And notice the red hair on the third photo. I'd love to have my hair dyed like that soon. Real soon. Actually, I will. But that's another story. Below are links to more of her awe-inspiring work.