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Feature Friday#01 Shelly Soneja

As much as I love designing and finding inspiration online, and figuring out little puzzles, nothing peeves me more that failing to fully understand my blog's CSS. The design's obviously drafty, but I'm working on it. Welcome to my currently orange-y blog. Oringe is not a typo. I did that on purpose. Unfortunately, Oringe alone is not available so I had to make do with what is. Links are currently off at the moment. As I fill this blog up, the links will work just fine.

Enough about me, it's FEATURE FRIDAY!
The artist is very much dear to me, being one of my closest friends in college, and one of the most talented artists I've ever known.
Shelly Soneja produces digital pieces that honestly, constantly leave me utterly envious. If you think these are awesome enough as it is, try checking back 5 years from now and tell me her stuff ain't stunning. Following her stuff since college, I have to say, it gets better and better. And it won't come as a surprise that stellar things are bound for this stellar artist now working in a video game company!

To see more of Shelly's fantastic pieces, visit her at her deviantart. And if you're a fan, give her some love on twitter.