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Feature Friday: Alexander Denomay

College application portfolios, originally uploaded by A.Denomay.

I've been following this photographer for years, and up to this day, I still remain a fan of his work. His photographs are inspiring, and I must say, his works have, in some way influenced the photos I've been taking. His work ranges from the simple, to the elaborate, with stories to match. Browsing through this ubertalented artist really inspires me to go out and shoot, and I do hope it does the same to you. Here are some of my faves off his gallery.

The Legend Prevails, originally uploaded by A.Denomay.

Dreams & Air Waves, originally uploaded by A.Denomay.

Being this popular at such a young age, so much success is bound for this amazingly crazy talented Canadian photographer that is adenomay. Below are links to his awesomeness.