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Feature Friday: Danny Santos

I’ve always been jealous of people who fearlessly carry their cameras out on the streets to shoot. And they shoot anything, and everything. What makes me even more jealous is that some of them get the most candid, real, and interesting images. I’ve never had the guts to display my slr when I take a walk. Sure, it’s the “in” thing now, and SLRs have become a status symbol. So I’ve invested on film. And use this inconspicuous looking camera that no one would take seriously on the streets.
Danny Santos, would probably be the embodiment of a photographer that I admire/envy. I love his photos, and I love that he dedicates weekends to shoot, and that his shots cannot be called “snapshots”. They’re exactly what photojournalism is. Although not the type of photojournalism most people have in mind.
His photographs are beyond worthy of a feature. There’s life to it. There’s a story. And they’re always taken at that precise moment when it’s supposed to be frozen in time. Like any earlier or later, it wouldn’t be as stunning. Any person with a camera can take pictures of anything and come up with snapshots. But a true artist armed with a camera produces works like these that move you, and inspire you. Thank you sir, you’ve got me fired up to shoot the streets for Independence Day. *salutes*